Biomimicry is the creative philosophy of taking inspiration from nature and applying it to engineering and design problems.
Source: Amazing Cuttlefish in Indonesia (
How We use it
Undula Tech utilizes this philosophy to create the Undula Generator, a biomimetic device that takes inspiration from cuttlefish fins to generate renewable power in water or air. The Undula Generator is based on the undulating fin motion of cuttlefish, a model that has been perfected by natural selection for the past 145 million years. In cuttlefish, their mantle membrane undulates through the water, propelling them. Our task is to replicate the basic principles of this design and optimize them for various applications.
The basic design of our concept is that of a series of ribs that support a flexible “fin”. (The length and size of the component parts will be adaptable and unique to every application.) As the wind or water flows past a length of ribs, it will start a wave propagating along the fin, making the entire length undulate, turning a crankshaft, and in turn a generator. The Undula Generates replicates this motion mechanically but in reverse to generate power.
The Undula Generator is an alternative to current wind or hydro turbine designs and despite its unorthodox design, or maybe because of its late entrance into this market, it offers an alternative that will be a refreshing approach without some of the liabilities and limitations of the designs now firmly established. As much as wind, solar and hydro seem like blessings, as we try to shake the dependency on fossil fuels, they appear to hold their own curses.
It is our aim to offer a more accessible alternative for clean renewable energy at an affordable price and with a design that is even more compatible with the natural world. The Undula Generator concept starts and ends with the notion of working with the wisdom one of nature’s oldest design successes at its core.
Yes, it will! The Undula Generator, through its efficient design and low cost, makes it both highly attractive as a residential renewable energy source and as a financial investment for states and municipalities. The lowered price means a shorter payback period for customers compared to rotary turbines, allowing renewable wind energy to become far more accessible than ever before. Because of its low cost and ease of installation and maintenance, it could also be an excellent options for bringing renewable energy to remote areas around the world. Perhaps allowing access to clean energy in areas that otherwise may never have access to an electrical grid. Thirdly, the Undula Generator may also be the ideal design for hydro power generation with no environmental downside. This would be a remarkable alternative for communities who are struggling with the decision to blow up dams that block pristine waterways.